When you hire a professional, you expect them to have the professional competence and ethical standards necessary to complete the job for which you’ve hired them. Unfortunately, some professionals don’t. And that’s when you need the help of a Milwaukee professional malpractice attorney.
Professional malpractice isn’t confined to medical malpractice cases either. Launching a professional malpractice lawsuit can arise from professional negligence in a variety of situations, such as:
- Real estate agents who do not honestly disclose a property’s condition
- Bankers who do not properly protect the security of client funds
- Lawyers who do not adequately protect the interests of their clients
- Health care professionals who do not adequately care for the patients in their care
- Accountants who improperly calculate tax returns
- Cosmetologists who cause temporary or permanent disfigurement or embarrassment
The consequences of professional negligence or malpractice vary based on the specific profession in question, but may include:
- Physical injuries
- Emotional trauma
- Property damage
- Economic loss
Minimum guidelines for determining how much compensatory damages can be awarded to injury victims do not exist, but damages are typically related directly the types and severity of injuries suffered. If you have suffered physical, financial or emotional loss due to professional misconduct, it is in your best interests to contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.
Free Legal Consultation
If you or someone you know has suffered an injury due to the negligence of a lawyer, banker, accountant or any other type of professional, contact Milwaukee personal injury lawyer Karl Gebhard today to discuss your options. Gebhard offers free legal consultations for all cases, and his personal injury legal services are offered on a contingency basis.
Call 414-873-6550 for your free consultation today.